Category Archives: Israel

Tzipi, Israel and the Gray Lady

From The New York Times Magazine’s recent profile of Tzipi Livni is too lengthy to be dealt with in a single post, but a few issues spring immediately to attention. For one, the Times is once again (forgive the … Continue reading

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‘Corrupt and Insane’

Yisroel Pensack writes in to Israel is transferring hundreds of millions of dollars to support Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah "government" after Hamas seized control of Gaza as Israel’s reward for its withdrawal there. The June 24 New York Times quotes … Continue reading

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How the victorious IDF of 1967 become the defeated IDF of 2006

Martin van Creveld writes in the Jewish Journal: In 1973, the IDF fought as well as in 1967, if not better. Since then, however, its performance has steadily deteriorated. Forty years after June 1967, the point remains that an army … Continue reading

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Ehud Olmert Not Solely To Blame

Martin van Creveld writes in the Forward: The Winograd report ignores the plain fact that the war ended in a victory of sorts; how else to explain why the Israeli-Lebanese border will soon have enjoyed its longest period of quiet … Continue reading

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Why Get Excited About Tzipi Livni Becoming Israel’s Prime Minister?

I want to know what people find impressive about her. Israel’s biggest concern is security. Where’s her expertise here? What are her accomplishments?

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