Category Archives: Israel

You Connect The Dots

Jameel writes: 1. Terror attack in Yeshiva Merkaz Harav — who killed the terrorist? IDF officer on leave, David Shapira. 2. Bulldozer attack in Jaffa St, Jerusalem — who killed the terrorist? IDF soldier on leave, "M" (he has requested … Continue reading

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Israel’s Hostage Exchange

Jonathan Rosenblum writes: Of all the many bizarre elements of hostage exchange approved this week by the Israeli cabinet by a vote of 22-3, the most bizarre was that Israel negotiated as if did not matter whether Ehud Goldwasser and … Continue reading

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Joe Klein Apparently Unscathed By His Divided Loyalties Charge

Mickey Kaus writes: Klein Lives: Have the rules changed? Last Tuesday, Time‘s Joe Klein wrote: The fact that a great many Jewish neoconservatives–people like Joe Lieberman and the crowd over at Commentary–plumped for this war, and now for an even … Continue reading

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Some Charedim Ban The Ipod

Jameel Rashid blogs: Despite the attempts to elevate the ubiquitous iPod and other similar mp4 recording/playback devices to objects that are "kosher" within the ultra-orthodox Jewish community, the Jerusalem neighborhoods of Geula and Mea-Shearim are now plastered with "pashkevils" posters … Continue reading

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Hot Lesbian Seminary Sex In ‘The Secrets’

Dikla Kadosh writes: The secret is out. There is a steamy sexual scene between two gorgeous Israeli women in the film, “The Secrets.” But the Israeli film, directed by Avi Nesher and spotlighted in this year’s Israel Film Festival, is … Continue reading

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