Category Archives: Israel

I Visited The Temple Mount In 2000

I walked around and inside the Dome of the Rock when I was in Israel in 2000. From the Jewish Press: "The rabbanim are not talking halacha," Rabbi Moshe Tendler told The Jewish Press. "They’re issuing a political statement."  Last … Continue reading

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The Israeli Press

Yair Ettinger writes: Instead, they have chosen to hypnotize their readers with a modest scandal of their own. The party dailies, Yated Ne’eman (affiliated with the Degel Hatorah faction of United Torah Judaism party) and Hamodi’a (affiliated with the party’s … Continue reading

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Yes, She’s Single

Laura writes: From the blog Jewlicious   Meet a Nefesh B’Nefesh New Immigrant Danielle Sheldon, 19 and a resident of Los Angeles, is smart. A UCSD graduate who double majored with a BA in both International Studies and Middle Eastern … Continue reading

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Israeli Principal Arrested On Molestation Charges

From YNETnews:   A school principal in a West Bank settlement has been arrested on charges of indecent assault against dozens of his students, aged 12-14, Ynet has learned. Married and in his late 40s, the man was brought before … Continue reading

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One Sided Portrait Of Helen Thomas

Tom Shales writes: "Thank You, Mr. President," an engaging HBO documentary about the career of journalist Helen Thomas, is a fine little film as far as it goes. It goes only as far as 38 minutes, actually — quite short … Continue reading

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