Category Archives: Israel

What You Can Do For Israel

Chaim Amalek emails: "When Israeli women (the sane, non-haredi ones) turn 18, they go into the Army, where they do situps, pullups, and otherwise tighten their young bodies. When American women turn 18, they go off to college and promptly … Continue reading

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Twice As Many Republicans As Democrats Support Israel’s Attacks In Gaza

Orthodox Jews vote Republican and non-Orthodox Jews vote three-to-one Democrat. Liberal pundit Glenn Greenwald writes: A new Rasmussen Reports poll — the first to survey American public opinion specifically regarding the Israeli attack on Gaza — strongly bolsters the severe … Continue reading

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The Fast-Track Aliyah Application

(Jerusalem, 5 January, 2009) Nefesh B’Nefesh has launched a new cutting-edge ‘One-Stop Aliyah Application’ for North American citizens, in a joint venture with the Jewish Agency, to streamline the Aliyah process making it easier for potential Olim. The new application, … Continue reading

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Israel Backers Outnumbered At Wednesday Evening Rally

A friend emails: "I went to the Wednesday evening rally outside the Israeli consulate. It was intense and very unnerving as we were completely out-numbered by them, maybe 100 of us, against a very loud and aggressive thousand or so … Continue reading

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Where’s Obama On Israel’s Gaza Invasion?

Jews voted overwhelmingly for Barack Obama. It would be darkly funny if he proved fatal to the Jewish state. Ralph Peters nails it in the New York Post: Israel can deal with self-aggrandizing busybodies, such as French President Nicolas Sarkozy, … Continue reading

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