Category Archives: Israel

‘Waltz With Bashir’ – The Dialogue

I saw this movie at the Arclight Saturday night. It was smart, profound and real. My previous articles on Waltz are here and here. I’m glad I bought my ticket Friday because the screening was sold out. Afterwards, movie director … Continue reading

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Jews Blockade LA’s Israeli Consulate

I wonder where these guys were when Hamas was sending rockets into Israel? I suspect they only care when Jews fight back to defend themselves. This is Israel’s first invasion that has nearly unanimous Israeli support. The LA Times reports: … Continue reading

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Waltz With Bashir

I saw this movie at the Arclight Saturday night. It was smart, profound and real. My previous articles on Waltz are here and here. I’m glad I bought my ticket Friday because the screening was sold out. Afterwards, movie director … Continue reading

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‘Norwegian Doctor’ Turns Out To Be Left-Wing Activist

Dennis Prager discussed this story today. "If the media in WWII acted like the media today, Hitler would’ve won." Dennis says about the doctor: "You stink. You’re scum… I don’t expect the media to tell him he is beneath contempt … Continue reading

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New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg Supports Israel

A great video:

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