Category Archives: Israel

Yisroel Pensack: New York Times Plays ‘Catch Up’ with Jewish Bloggers on Israel’s Subsidy Payments to Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Men for Full-Time Torah Study

This heavily-blogged topic is apparently news to The New York Times, which covers it at length today under the headline “Some Israelis Question Benefits for Ultra-Religious.” Isabel Kershner reports: JERUSALEM — Chaim Amsellem was certainly not the first Parliament member … Continue reading

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Will Judaism Destroy The Jewish State?

Orthodox rabbi Gil Student writes in the Jewish Press: Over the past weeks, many rabbis in Israel have publicized halachic rulings forbidding Jews to rent or sell homes to non-Jews. Doing so, they argue, violates Torah prohibitions and causes the … Continue reading

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Wikileaks Helped Israel

Jerold S. Auerbach writes for the Jewish Press: The WikiLeaks revelations, if it is not sacrilegious to suggest, were a godsend to the Jewish state. They demolished the mantra of Israel’s critics, President Obama conspicuous among them, who have incessantly … Continue reading

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Do Israeli Rabbis Have Freedom Of Speech?

Here are some of my previous posts on this topic. Steven Plaut writes for the Jewish Press: In recent days, one of the most important domestic controversies in Israel has revolved around rabbinic opinions. The media are representing this as … Continue reading

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The Unbearable Lightness Of Larry King

Jason Maoz writes for the Jewish Press: Larry King will host his last edition of “Larry King Live” on CNN next week, and the Monitor can only say Good Riddance. King built a reputation and made a fortune as the … Continue reading

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