Category Archives: Israel

What’s The Palestinian Perspective?

I asked a Jewish friend to give me the Palestinian point of view. He responded: It is very hard to get an accurate perspective without an honest historical perspective. Unfortunately, neither the Israelis nor the Palestinians are able to be … Continue reading

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Israel slams ‘shameful’ former minister who endorses German far-right party

From Times of Israel: Rafi Eitan, a former Israeli minister and the legendary spy who captured Adolf Eichmann, caused surprise and shock in Israel when he publicly endorsed the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. In a video message posted … Continue reading

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Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations

All victimologies fuel nationalism and all nationalisms contain the capacity for genocide. As Maj. Kong noted: “Anti-Semitism is as natural to Western civilization as anti-Christianity is to Jewish civilization, Islamic civilization and Japanese civilization.” Different groups have different interests. Much … Continue reading

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I totally buy that and any goy who doesn’t is an antisemite

“Even these groups, fighting what they see as threats to immigrants and minorities in the era of President Donald Trump, lack the bandwidth to make this a priority issue.” JTA Article: A pro-Israel philanthropist is furious at the country’s treatment … Continue reading

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Why Are Guatemala And Honduras Moving Their Embassies To Jerusalem?

Newsweek: “The United States is an important source of assistance to Guatemala and Honduras, and Trump had threatened to cut off financial aid to countries that supported the U.N. resolution.” According to ADL surveys and the like, Latinos have a … Continue reading

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