Category Archives: Israel

Playing Chess with Nukes

Joe* emails: It seems obvious to me that Israel should strike Iran, and immediately. The high upside is destroying for a generation the hopes of Islam to hold the Levant hostage with a nuclear weapon capability and possibly destabilizing the … Continue reading

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Chris Christie Makes The Case For Israel

Dennis Prager writes: New Jersey Governor Chris Christie addressed the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) last week. In the few words reported by the Weekly Standard magazine, he said just about everything one needs to know about Israel; about … Continue reading

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The Cruelty Of Labor Unions

Labor unions will go on strike and devastate an entire country. It happens repeatedly in Australia and England, two countries I am familiar with. During WWII, labor unions (particularly dock workers) in Australia kept striking, damaging the country’s war effort. … Continue reading

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Expect Israel To Attack Iran In 2012

I expected the United States to start bombing Iran in the closing months of the Bush administration but undercover operations had slowed Iran’s nuclear development sufficiently so that this was not necessary. But times have changed. They’ve become more urgent. … Continue reading

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Orthodox Extremism In Israel

Dov Lipman writes: Yes, it is true. I, a haredi with right-wing political leanings, stood on the same stage with representatives of Yisrael Chofshit, Hitorirut Yerushalayim, and Meretz – three secular and very left wing groups – at the massive … Continue reading

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