Category Archives: Israel

Ph.D. Education in Israel

By Sofia Rasmussen In May 2010, Haaretz reported that higher education flourished in Israel during the first decade of the 2000s. In 2008, roughly 3 in 10 Israelis held a college degree, which was up nearly 40 percent from 1995. … Continue reading

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Sam Harris Has His Head Screwed On Straight

Sam Harris is one of the famous atheists endlessly crusading about how stupid theistic belief is. I met him at a lecture on Islam a few years ago. We talked for a few minutes and I was impressed by him. … Continue reading

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The Ignorant Spend Their Time Online Instead Of Learning Torah

In his second lecture on R. Meir Simcha of Dvinsk for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: There’s a whole school of thought that says aliyah (moving to Israel) is not important until the Messianic era. I … Continue reading

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How Do You Run A Modern State According To Jewish Law?

In his sixth lecture on R. Chaim Ozer Grodzinksi for Torah in Motion, history professor Marc B. Shapiro says: According to Rav Nissim of Girona (aka The RaN) says that in our Jewish system, there are two types of governance … Continue reading

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Israel’s Haredi Welfare State

In his first lecture on R. Joseph Mesas for Torah in Motion, professor Marc B. Shapiro says: The Talmud says explicitly that if you don’t work, if all you do is study, it will lead to thievery. “This society of … Continue reading

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