Category Archives: Israel

Israel Is No Ethno-State

Anonymous writes: “You goys keep perpetuating the fallacy that Israel is an ethno-state, where did you get such a misguided notion? While I sure would like to see what an Ashkenazi super state would look like, Israel is no such … Continue reading

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A Few Thoughts On Israel And America

I am a naturalized citizen of the United States of America. I love my adopted country. I believe that the primary purpose of the United States government is to insure the welfare of its citizens and their progeny. Therefore, I … Continue reading

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Is Israel Better Off For The Presence Of 120,000 Ethiopians?

Why do civilizations decline? Psychologist J. Philippe Rushton described one 19th Century theory: The character of a civilization was determined by the traits of the dominant race, often created by the union of several related tribes. If wealth grows, cities … Continue reading

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The Creeping Takeover Of Israel

A common critique of Jews is that they believe in homogeneity and nationalism for themselves (traditional Jews oppose inter-marriage and the massive immigration of non-Jews to Israel, etc) but multi-racialism and multi-culturalism and open borders for everyone else, including the … Continue reading

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Does America Have A National Interest In Israel?

Do you think the US has a national interest in Israel in proportion to our aid and involvement with Israel? If not, why do you think the USA is so involved in Israel? Do you think it is the Israel … Continue reading

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