Category Archives: Israel

Like Dreamers: The Story of the Israeli Paratroopers Who Reunited Jerusalem and Divided a Nation

Yossi Klein Halevi writes on page 101 of his new book about the morning after the Israelis took the Western Wall and reunited Jerusalem at the end of the Six Day War: Some Israelis came to loot. They smashed windows … Continue reading

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The Apartheid State

Apartheid allowed South Africa to flourish like no other country in Africa and when it was dismantled more than ten years ago, the average life expectancy quickly plunged ten years (and it has now returned to former levels). Supporters of … Continue reading

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Haaretz: Top rabbis move to forbid renting homes to Arabs, say ‘racism originated in the Torah’

I was Googling “Torah racism” to find out what the Torah has to say about racism — nothing in my knowledge — and I found this news article from 2010: A number of leading rabbis who signed on to a … Continue reading

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Thane Rosenbaum: Israeli teens who hired strippers after touring Auschwitz hardly match the Nazis’ degradation

This behavior is an insult to Jewish women who are made to feel undesired. Intermarriage too often begins with a visit to a stripper. Before visiting Bergen-Belsen, check out the Yelp reviews (all in German). Before visiting the Majdanku death … Continue reading

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Jews, Blacks & Race

The things that Donald Sterling said about blacks are common. They go on all the time everywhere there are blacks. Generally speaking, blacks and Jews are at the opposite ends of the social spectrum as Jews tend to have high … Continue reading

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