Category Archives: Israel

Imagine The Fear

On Facebook, I posted a picture from the Holocaust and a link to a story about British fears regarding anti-Semitism, and my FB friend Paul Meehan replied: “Imagine the fear felt by both Jews and Gentiles alike who speak out … Continue reading

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Los Angeles Hosts Another Anti-Israel Rally

Steve Goldberg emails: Dear Friends of Israel: Today, August 10. there will be yet another anti-Israel, pro-Hamas demonstration in Los Angeles. It is scheduled for 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM in front of the Federal Building on the corner of … Continue reading

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Will America Get Its Own Meir Kahane?

All traditional Orthodox Jews I know believe Israel would be a better place if it had no non-Jewish residents. If you think R. Meir Kahane‘s teachings to expel the Arabs were ugly, please know that he was speaking pure Torah. … Continue reading

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The United States Has No Vital National Security Interests In The Middle East Aside From Preserving Access To Its Oil

Whatever Israel, Hamas, Gaza, Syria, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Jordan etc do to each other has no vital implications for the United States. By contrast, what goes on in Mexico and Central America does have vital national security interests for the … Continue reading

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Everybody Views The World In Ways That Make Their Group Is Best

Here is a complicated article by academic Richard Landes about a topic explained much more simply by Tom Wolfe in 2006. I particularly love this excerpt from Landes: As one NPR commentator noted (during the intifada!), “Any Palestinian with a … Continue reading

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