Category Archives: Israel

Separation For Jews & Muslims

This Israeli leftist wants separation between Jews and Muslims: “Instead of persuasion let us promote separation. Like Amichai and like myself, many Israelis “sometimes remember the quiet one” and yearn for a separation between the two states and a separation … Continue reading

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Formally Recognizing Israel’s Jewishness Will Not Set Back Peace

Morton A. Klein of the Zionists of America writes: Legislation is under consideration in Jerusalem that formalizes Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people. We at the Zionist Organization of America support it. Why? Because it is historically, … Continue reading

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The World’s Freest Middle East Arabs Live In Israel

{Editor’s Note: The following is adapted from Ambassador Prosor’s speech to the UN General Assembly on Nov. 24} I stand before the world as a proud representative of the State of Israel and the Jewish people. I stand tall before … Continue reading

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Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews

Robert S. Wistrich writes for Commentary Magazine: What accounts for anti-Semitism—one of the most enduring and persistent hatreds in human history? Some historians have seen it as a product of dysfunctional societies in which chimerical fantasies about Jews have taken … Continue reading

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Are Attacks On Jews Attacks On God?

Which perspective do you find more useful? That different groups have different interests or that attacks on Jews are attacks on God? A rabbi writes: Let’s be clear. The attack on the synagogue in Jerusalem was not an attack against … Continue reading

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