Category Archives: Israel

Israel Is An Ethnic State And That’s A Good Thing

Paul Gottfried writes: Jewish supporters of Israel ‘living in exile” (yehudim bagaluth) do not want Christian countries to be ethnically exclusive, a right they reserve for Jews, and therefore work to depict Israel as a Near Eastern version of New … Continue reading

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Is It A Sin For A Jew To Love A Land Other Than Israel?

I don’t think most white non-Jews understand how ethnocentric Jews can be. A FB friend recently devoted a post to arguing that it is not sin for a Jew to love a place outside of Israel. Why would it even … Continue reading

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German Nationalist Marches Grow

REPORT: “The German PEGIDA movement held its largest meeting yet last night to protest what they call the ‘Islamisation of the Western World’, despite stiff opposition from all sections of Germany’s elite including politicians, media, and the arts.” I read … Continue reading

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I Rarely Think About Palestinian Suffering

I rarely think about the pain of Palestinians. I lose no sleep over the approximate million Arabs who were pushed out of their homes around 1948 and forced out of the place now known as Israel. I don’t think about … Continue reading

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Why Does American Choose Sides In The Middle East?

Jared Taylor wrote soon after 9/11: On September 11, President George W. Bush explained to us on national television that “America was targeted for attack because we’re the brightest beacon for freedom and opportunity in the world.” Two days later, … Continue reading

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