Category Archives: Israel

The Jewish Threat: Anti-Semitic Politics Of The U.S. Army

From “The “Jewish Threat” makes the dramatic allegation that, throughout most of the last century, rampant racism in the highest ranks of the United States Army helped to shape important American public policies. Historian Joseph W. Bendersky bases most … Continue reading

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Some Jews Suffer From Pre-Traumatic Syndrome

This is not how I was raised as a WASP. I was taught to keep a stiff upper lip and to not complain… Things have changed since I converted to Judaism. I’m listening to some Jews go into Pre-Traumatic Syndrome, … Continue reading

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New IDF Chief Faces Herculean Task?

Nowhere does this analysis mention that Israel is the Middle East’s strongest military power and that it has no close competitor. I was asked by a mate in Australia yesterday what I thought about the back and forth between Obama … Continue reading

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Are Jews Safer In Europe Than In Israel?

Steve Sailer writes: “Netanyahu’s implication that Jews are safe in Israel. Apparently, in the leader of Israel’s judgment, Jews shouldn’t worry all that much about the Iranian nuclear program, Gaza tunnels, Hezbollah rockets, or all the Arabs in the world … Continue reading

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If The Goyim Were Smart…

Chaim Amalek: “If the goyim were intelligent – which they are not – they would follow [with movie cameras] a group of Africans from their impoverished villages up to Israel’s fence against their immigration into Israel, closing with tears in … Continue reading

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