Category Archives: Israel

A Jewish State Or A Democratic State?

I was struck watching interviews of Rabbi Meir Kahane about how often he talked about the conflict between a democratic Israel and a Jewish Israel. If Jews cease to be the majority in Israel, then if the country remains a … Continue reading

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They Must Go

Rabbi Meir Kahane writes in his book They Must Go: The analysis and proposed transfer of Arabs from Israel that I have set down are not personal views. They are certainly not political ones. This is the Jewish outlook, based … Continue reading

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Rabbi Meir Kahane & The Nazi Question

R. Meir Kahane can’t get through an interview without being asked if his program does not resemble that of Nazi Germany. He answers that anyone can convert to Judaism while the Jews of Germany could never be accepted as legitimate … Continue reading

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Can Israel Do No Wrong?

I went to the website of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and put “Israel” in the search box. I got 2314 results. Judging by the headlines I read, not one press release was critical of the Jewish state. In just those … Continue reading

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Nazi Hunter: Nuremberg-esque march no way to celebrate Estonian independence

Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff writes: Tuesday’s march, which was sponsored by the Sinine Aratus (Blue Awakening) youth movement, closely affiliated with the Estonian Conservative People’s Party (EKRE), was a good example of at least one of the major problems we … Continue reading

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