Category Archives: Israel

150 ISIS Solders Hold Up 30,000 Iraqi Troops

Michael Fumento writes: Hmm… 30,000 Iraqi soldiers and militia being held up from taking Tikrit by 150 ISIS fighters. And apparently with Iranian leadership, if not some Iranian fighters. As I’ve said before, Arabs do not make the best fighters. … Continue reading

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Israel Sterilizes Many Ethiopian Immigrants

Ehtiopians, including those who have imigrated to Israel, have an average IQ under 70. Forbes subhead reads: “Israel under fire for forced birth control programs for immigrant women.” Yet the programs were not aimed at all immigrants, just at low … Continue reading

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Rachel Beyda & The Rule

Joe* emails: Western civilization (also known and referred to hereinafter as “Civilization”), right around the time that Eisenhower did his walk through tour of Auschwitz adopted a rule (the “Eisenhower Rule”) – you could not in polite company say or … Continue reading

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How Many People Would You Be Willing To Kill For The Safety Of Your Own People?

Every group nurses resentments. For instance, Jews hate Nazis because of the Holocaust (the murder of six million European Jews during WWII). On the other hand, many Ukrainians and other Europeans hate Jews because of the Jewish role in carrying … Continue reading

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Israelis Think Americans Are Suckers

Jeff writes: I used to work at a jazz club owned by three Israeli cousins. I once had to go to one of the owner’s retail shops to pick up some chairs from storage. The shop was a jeans-and-sneakers store … Continue reading

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