Category Archives: Israel

Can We Bargain With Zionists?

Steve Sailer writes: Bibi, however, earned his fourth term, crushing the leftist coalition 67-39 among the 106 Jewish seats. Granted, the 14 seats won by Arab parties made the election look closer on paper. But Israel has an unwritten rule … Continue reading

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Support For Israel Means Extensive American Intervention Overseas

Norman Podhoretz, then editor of Commentary magazine, said in 1979: “There was, to be sure, one thing that many of even the most passionately committed American Zionists were reluctant to do, and that was to face up to the fact … Continue reading

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King Bibi & Greater Israel

Chaim Amalek writes: “There are, of course, two ways of taking what passes for criticism of Israel in this article. There can be no peace in the mideast so long as Israel stands as a Jewish ethnostate. Therefore, Israel should … Continue reading

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Anyone But Bibi

Shalom Pollack writes: It was a very embarrassing day for the pollsters and the media talking heads. No one predicted anything close to what actually happened on election night, March 17,2015. It will be studied and referred to by analysts … Continue reading

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‘Genetic-Similarity Theory and Ethnic Nationalism’

J. Philippe Rushton gave this talk at the 1998 American Renaissance conference. He discussed the Bnai Menashe, a group in Indian who claim to be Jews and have the Right of Return to Israel. Radio Australia reported in 2012: ROSENBAUM: … Continue reading

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