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Category Archives: Race
Racial Differences In Personality
Richard Lynn is professor emeritus of psychology of the University of Ulster. This article is based on a longer paper published in the journal Personality and Individual Differences, 2002, Vol. 32, pp.273-316. For as long as official statistics have been … Continue reading
Australia Is A High-Trust Country
In Australia, you pump your gas and then you pay. In America, you pay and then you can pump your gas. In regional Australia, people usually don’t lock up their homes and cars. In American cities, that is mandatory. So … Continue reading
I Get Mail
John writes: Luke, I’m a 56 year old Texas boy goy with no religious affiiliation, I just wanted to write a few lines of encouragement – your site is thought provoking in many ways, I have a Ph,D, in Industrial … Continue reading
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What Do Doctor Visits Say About A Population?
I see a doctor about once every five years. So I was shocked to hear over coffee today that Australians visit a doctor an average of 11 times a year. When I Googled the matter, I found out the number … Continue reading
Using Aboriginee Status To Get Ahead In Australia
If you’ve got a drop of Aboriginee blood in you, you are allowed to claim yourself as an Aboriginee and get lots of government benefits and social status points in Australia. I’m hoping to get hired as the multi-cultural officer … Continue reading