Category Archives: Race

Another Jewish NBA Owner To Leave For Critical Remarks About Blacks

I wonder if the media will spin Bruce Levenson’s remarks as “Southern” rather than as Jewish, even though he embodies the attitudes of many Jews towards blacks. I think Levenson’s remarks below make business sense, but they are impolitic to … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

I was asked in shul on Shabbos if I believe in conspiracy theories, such as the Illumanati, Free Masons, etc, control the world? Do I believe in lizard people who live far beneath the earth? I don’t believe in those … Continue reading

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‘Welcome To The Dark-Skinned Ones’

One Sabbath, I joined a Sephardic kiddush (snacks). One Sephardi looked at me, smiled, and said, “Welcome to the dark-skinned ones.” The average Ashkenazi IQ is around 112 while the average Sephardi IQ is about 95, lower than the white … Continue reading

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Race and Crime: A Biosocial Analysis

Book Description: This book examines the incendiary issue of racial variation in crime rates in the United States and in many other countries using a variety of data sources. It examines the latest genetic data asserting the reality of the … Continue reading

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Autism & Race Realism

When you meet race realists, you realize that many of them are verging on the autistic in that they take no account of emotion and sentiment and popularity but are only interested in the facts. They won’t be swayed by … Continue reading

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