Category Archives: Race

Busted: A Tale of Corruption and Betrayal in the City of Brotherly Love

Wendy Ruderman writes: I’d already gained a reputation as the go-to reporter for people who had run-ins with cops. I’d written stories about a cop caught with a racist sticker in his locker… Whoa! A racist sticker in his locker? … Continue reading

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The End Of Racism

I’m enjoying these Steve Sailer book reviews on Dinesh D’Souza — The End of Racism : Principles for a Multiracial Society 4 out of 5 stars Excellent on the little questions, dubious on the big ones October 11, 1998 … Continue reading

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What’s The Difference Between White Nationalism & White Supremacy?

I used to try to make this distinction but I’ve given up. Every group, including blacks, Jews, and the Japanese, believes it is supreme, so who am I to begrudge goyim (white non-Jews) from believing they are supreme? I see … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Good People Want To Ride Public Transport In Los Angeles?

This story never mentions race, which is probably the biggest reason people avoid Metro. Most people don’t want to mix with people who are different from them, particularly if the different are in a lower social class, particularly if they’re … Continue reading

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ISIS Would Be Little Danger To America If We Took Prudent Precautions With Our Borders

The United States government is a biggest danger to America than ISIS because we allow open borders, forbid criminal profiling by race and religion, and we treat every group as equally likely to contribute to our society (when statistics show … Continue reading

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