Category Archives: Race

The Call Of The Genes

I asked a friend who’s lived his whole life in Australia but his genes are Korean, who he supported in the following match. He said South Korea. He’s currently in Japan and reports: “Japan is a polite society, I personally … Continue reading

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Sons Of Liberty

I just watched this History Channel miniseries on the founding of the United States and I was sickened by the lack of people of color. In this TV show, all of the main character are white. Sure, that might be … Continue reading

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American White Separatist Finds Shared Values with Israel

David Sheen writes: In an interview I conducted in March 2014 at his home near Washington, D.C., Jared Taylor, a prominent proponent of a White United States of America, stressed this point: “American president after president… talks about the importance … Continue reading

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How Do You Deal With Racism?

Prominent British journalist Andrew Marr proposed: And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument … Continue reading

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People Often Serve Their Genetics More Than Their Host Nation

Chinese in the diaspora often act with more loyalty towards China than to their host nation. The same type of things often goes for Jews, Muslims, Blacks, Mexicans, Japanese, etc. It’s a tribal mentality. I’m reading Bob Wurth’s book on … Continue reading

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