Category Archives: Race

Healthy Muslims Hate Jews?

A healthy Muslim, Arab, Palestinian is going to dislike, perhaps even hate, Jews because there is a Jewish state in a land he believes belongs to his people, and because this tiny Jewish state so vastly outperforms his own countries. … Continue reading

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Starbucks Wants To Talk About Race

Comments to Steve Sailer: * It would be hilarious if someone from Steve’s readership could conduct a street-level social science experiment by getting hired by Starbucks and, you know, talking about race with customers who just want to buy coffee, … Continue reading

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Hate Speech Not Banned On Campus

Blog post: In light of all the “shocked, shocked, I tell you” reactions to the video 0f an Oklahoma frat house’s racist chant, I pulled up some other instances of “hate speech” at American universities that somehow passed muster. None … Continue reading

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What Is Crimestop?

From Urban Dictionary: Crimestop refers to the ability to stop short of any thought that might be heretical or unorthodox before it is even thought, as if by instinct. It is the ability to misunderstand analogies, fail to perceive logical … Continue reading

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Frat Shut Down For Racism

NEWS: A University of Oklahoma fraternity has been shut down after members were caught chanting the n-word and glorifying lynching in a sickening video – on the same day that President Obama spoke at the 50th anniversary of the Selma … Continue reading

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