Category Archives: Race

Of Dogs And Humans

A friend says: “When you look at certain Somalians there is this deadness in their eyes and they just look like predators whereas when you look at many blonde Scandinavians, you can sense the warmth and friendliness. it’s really unbelievable. … Continue reading

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The Human Biodiversity Synthesis

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: A synthesis has been forming in the field of human biodiversity. It may be summarized as follows: 1. Human evolution did not end in the Pleistocene or even slow down. In fact, it speeded up with … Continue reading

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Nazism As A Reaction To Anti-Racism

Anthropologist Peter Frost writes: [Frans] Boas didn’t really change his mind on race until the 1930s. The cause is not hard to pinpoint. When he died in 1942, an obituary mentioned his alarm over the threat of Nazism: Dr. Boas, … Continue reading

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Los Angelenos Vote By Race

I think LA is the most racially diverse big city in America. The more racial division, the more people vote according to race. The more racial division, the less social capital. Growing up a WASP, I noticed that WASPs would … Continue reading

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Racists Getting Fired

Blog post: Finally! A way to battle all those nameless, faceless hatemongers of the Internet . . . Finally, people are having to face some real consequences for their hateful and harmful behavior. This is the moment of comeuppance, and … Continue reading

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