Category Archives: Race

Replication Failure In Psychological Research

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I have long wondered whether psychologists’ ideological refusal to recognize group differences undermined the bulk of these studies. They rarely identify the race or ethnicity of subjects and blindly assume that these factors would not … Continue reading

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No Evidence of Racial Discrimination in Criminal Justice Processing

Abstract: One of the most consistent findings in the criminological literature is that African American males are arrested, convicted, and incarcerated at rates that far exceed those of any other racial or ethnic group. This racial disparity is frequently interpreted … Continue reading

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Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs

It was a mess at Ralphs this afternoon. As I waited in line, I noticed patterns. WASPs are the best behaved group. They are the best at waiting in line and they are the best, in general, in acting like … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Diversity, Immigration, Islam, Israel, R. Abraham Cooper, Race | Comments Off on Stereotyping While Waiting In Line At Ralphs

More Concern Trolling From The MSM

New York Times: Republicans Fear Donald Trump Is Hardening Party’s Tone on Race By JONATHAN MARTINSEPT. 7, 2015 WASHINGTON — Republicans are growing increasingly concerned that Donald J. Trump’s inflammatory language is damaging the party, fearing that his remarks are … Continue reading

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Burning Man & Race

Comments to Steve Sailer: * This Burning Man etc has a big plus for the normal hetero white guys. No blacks and other brothers of color to distract and attract the white women. The exact opposite going on in Germany … Continue reading

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