Category Archives: Race

Teach Them Young

Miriam Lilian D Or writes: I remember as a kid I got in trouble for not wanting to play with a black doll. I don’t know why I had a black doll, but I was forced to play with it … Continue reading

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WP: Born that way? ‘Scientific’ racism is creeping back into our thinking. Here’s what to watch out for.

From the comments on * Thanks for today’s installment of “Spot the Logical Fallacies in a WaPo Article”! * It’s generally found that psychometric scores are highest in East Asia and lower in Africa. These trends seem to show … Continue reading

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Racism Is Wonderful

Tito Perdue comments at The Telegraph: Racism is a wonderful institution that should be rejuvenated and inculcated in schools. It is the last barrier to global homogenization, and represents the default position of 99% of humanity over 99% of historical … Continue reading

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WP: Jews in America struggled for decades to become white. Now we must give up whiteness to fight racism.

Gil Steinlauf is the senior rabbi at Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C. He writes: Adapted from a Rosh Hashanah sermon delivered at Adas Israel Congregation. This summer, I had a conversation with a young woman about her Jewish identity. … Continue reading

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The Trumpening

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Agreed: if President Trump does nothing but build a proper fence, deport most of the illegals, and restore law and order to our policy of immigration, I wouldn’t give a hoot if he spent the … Continue reading

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