Category Archives: Race

The Wit & Wisdom Of John Rivers

His Twitter: * How GDP shares have shifted across the world since 1000 AD – Vivid Maps * Fertility is under control everywhere. Except Africa. North America & Europe have been least fertile for a century. * Whites decided Earth … Continue reading

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Forced secularization always unravels in a Muslim country?

Comments to Steve Sailer about Turkey: * Every less intelligent race is prone to conspiracy theory thinking, which is just another word for magical thinking. Blacks love it and it’s very entertaining listening to a black man hold forth about … Continue reading

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The Bermuda Triangle Part II: Dangerous Research & The Risks Worth Taking

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: The late J.P. Rushton represents one of the most brilliant, yet oddly obscure, psychologists in the last several decades. Few would deny that Phil Rushton possessed a stunning intellect; his work on human altruism, in fact, … Continue reading

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The Bermuda Triangle of Science

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: This is an essay about how to avoid carpet-bombing your career as a scientist. The academy, in general, is a wonderful place to work, but not everyone plays nice. Veer too far from carefully charted courses … Continue reading

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Chinese police officer texted: “I hate that beaner, but I think the nig is worse.”

Scott Glover and Dan Simon, CNN, April , 2016 “I hate that beaner,” one text reads, “but I think the nig is worse.” “Indian ppl are disgusting,” proclaims another. “Burn down walgreens and kill the bums,” a third message states. … Continue reading

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