Category Archives: Christianity

Why Would A Christian Take Christianity Seriously?

I have a friend who’s long been pretty casual about his Christianity but he has just started taking it seriously as a substitute for going Alt Right. I said to him, “Given that all religious beliefs are based on a … Continue reading

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Revolution in Judea: Jesus and the Jewish Resistance (1974)

Free pdf download of Hyam Maccoby’s book The Mythmaker. Free registration at same place to get Revolution in Judea for two weeks. — (((Luke Ford))) (@lukeford) February 26, 2019 What philosophical school do I belong to? Warren Buffett … Continue reading

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Bud says: I had a thought this week while I was clicking around on Wikipedia regarding Dante — I noticed more than ever how many references there are to Greek mythology in Inferno. I found myself reading about “the judgement … Continue reading

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Yeshivos For Christians

From Haaretz: A yeshiva for Christians? Strange as it sounds, some Christians prefer getting their Bible lessons from Jewish teachers – ideally, Orthodox rabbis. Evidence that such demand is on the rise can be found in the growing number of … Continue reading

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Can The Church Regain Its Moral Authority?

Claire Khaw suggests these topics: 1) Could the Catholic Church regain its moral authority within the lifetimes of anyone born today? 2) If the world’s most powerful Church has failed, does this mean Christianity has failed? 3) Is the West … Continue reading

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