Category Archives: Christianity

Does Anyone Care About Hatred Of Christians?

Apparently, white wealthy and educated elites don’t like Christians, but the authors of this new book don’t say how many of those elites are Jews. I don’t regard Jews as evil when they hate Christians and I don’t regard Christians … Continue reading

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Principles vs Interests

Many people could benefit from an approach that prioritizes their interests over loyalty to abstract principles. Should not loyalty to your group be a principle? Extending this type of thinking to the West might well lead to more rights for … Continue reading

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Is it more useful for the outsider to understand Judaism as a religion or as a people? I say people. Yes, I know it is the religion of a particular people (as was common in the ancient world). I just … Continue reading

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Did Christianity Invent Liberalism?

Steve Sailer writes: So, it’s helpful to add a third culture to the big question of the day about Christianity and Islam: – In Culture A, X happened, but in Cultures B and C, X didn’t happen? Why? Fortunately for … Continue reading

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Counterpunch: Why is the US Honoring a Racist Rabbi?

April 7, 2014, Alison Weir wrote for Counterpunch, a magazine of the left: If things proceed normally, President Barak Obama will soon proclaim April 11, 2014 “Education and Sharing Day, U.S.A.” Despite the innocuous name, this day honors the memory … Continue reading

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