Category Archives: Christianity

The Decline Of The WASP & The Rise Of The Psychopath

Comments to Peter Frost: * Most human cultures show favoritism toward in-group members, and it’s not just the Jews. Look at the American Supreme Court. A hundred years ago, all of the justices were White Protestants. Now, none of them … Continue reading

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The Meaning Of Hanukkah

Hanukkah is about when Jews let down their guard and allowed the Greeks to run the Federal Reserve and the media. Rabbi Shlomo Einhorn says: “Hanukkah is the only time they were able to hit us from the inside… The … Continue reading

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NYT: The Words That Killed Medieval Jews

Words don’t kill. Conflicts of interest kill. Hard words simply reflect real conflicts of interests. Life is a struggle for survival. All individuals and groups are engaged in a struggle for scarce resources. What’s good for one group, say Christians, … Continue reading

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Catholics should not try to convert Jews, Vatican says

How are Christians going to get excited about their religion unless they feel a mandate to convert the world? I suspect that Christians who feel a mandate to convert the world are more excited about their religion than Christians who … Continue reading

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Jewish Actor Seth Rogen Takes on Macklemore for ‘Anti-Semitic’ Costume

REPORT: Comedic actor Seth Rogen on Sunday derided rapper Macklemore after the Same Love singer donned a costume during a performance that some criticized as “anti-Semitic.” “@Macklemore, first you trick people into thinking you’re a rapper, now you trick them … Continue reading

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