Category Archives: Christianity

The Gospel According to Trump

The Donald is simply keeping it real. If you are a Seventh-Day Adventist, all other religions seem weird if not evil. If you are Jewish, other religions seem false. If you are Christian, other religions seem false. If you are … Continue reading

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The Advantage Of A Written First-Amendment

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Proto-Victorianism starts with John Wesley’s Methodist revival. Methodists were encouraged to stop drinking and whoring, and lead productive, Ned Flanders-ish lives. Young Methodists were often thoroughly embarrassed by their foul-mouthed, hard-drinking grandparents of the Ben … Continue reading

Posted in Censorship, Christianity, England, Journalism | Comments Off on The Advantage Of A Written First-Amendment

Defiling Christianity

From the Chateau: Something vile flew under the radar of the alt-right news reports about the rapefugees in Cologne. Inuit Tribesman alerts, Not sure why I haven’t seen anything about this and ironic that a Jew has to clue in … Continue reading

Posted in Christianity, Germany, Immigration | Comments Off on Defiling Christianity

Obama’s Hypocrisy on the Plight of Middle Eastern Christians

Srdja Trifkovic writes: “In some areas of the Middle East where church bells have rung for centuries on Christmas Day, this year they will be silent,” President Barack Obama said in a statement on December 23. “This silence bears tragic … Continue reading

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The End Of Christianity?

Comments: Christianity gained great power and wealthy only by going against its own teachings. Jesus and Disciples were all men who didn’t get married and have kids. Jesus preached peace and poverty. Christians gained power by either being un-Christian or … Continue reading

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