Category Archives: Blacks

Supreme Court restores death sentences in heinous Kansas murder spree

USA TODAY: WASHINGTON — Despite deep divisions over capital punishment, the Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that in the case of some particularly heinous Kansas murders, death was the appropriate penalty. The court ruled 8-1 that death sentences handed down against … Continue reading

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LAT: L.A. council may tighten penalties for LAX taxi drivers who show racial bias

The Los Angeles Times reports: A City Council committee moved Tuesday to tighten penalties for taxi drivers who face complaints of discrimination for refusing to pick up an airport passenger on the basis of race. The action was spurred by … Continue reading

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The White Oscars

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If you want a vision of the future, imagine a black person getting in your face – forever. * America is a great country that we can all have our own tastes and be completely … Continue reading

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My Year of Terror and Abuse Teaching at a NYC High School

By Maureen Callahan, New York Post, January 17, 2016 In 2008, Ed Boland, a well-off New Yorker who had spent 20 years as an executive at a nonprofit, had a midlife epiphany: He should leave his white-glove world, the galas … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Baltimore’s Homicide Record in 2015: a Riddle, Wrapped in a Mystery, Inside an Enigma

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Baltimore’s homicide numbers were trending up before Freddie Gray (great article from 2013), while the population of the city was decreasing each year. Indianapolis has has no serious problems with the BLM movement, and yet … Continue reading

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