Category Archives: Blacks

Should We Lower Lending Standards For Blacks, Hispanics?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I feel bad for that 24 year old Hispanic. I remember graduating from high school and getting from the principal that deed for my first home along with my high school diploma… what a happy … Continue reading

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NYT: Blacks See Bias in Delay on a Scalia Successor

For the past 300 years in the West, Jews have often had incentives to side with the fringe against the core. Now that the fringe (including blacks, latinos, and Muslims) is more anti-Jewish than the white core, that might change. … Continue reading

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Florida teen arrested after posing as doctor, opening medical practice

Seven out of eight black doctors depended upon affirmative action to get into medical school. Do you want an affirmative action doctor? Black doctors suffer from huge rates of malpractice. REPORT: WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. — A Florida teen was … Continue reading

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WP: ‘My demons won today’: Ohio activist’s suicide spotlights depression among Black Lives Matter leaders

Well, knock me over with a feather. I’m shocked, I tell you. Shocked. Washington Post: A solemn group stood in the shadow of the statehouse in Columbus, Ohio, forming a circle on the snow-caked sidewalk. MarShawn McCarrel, 23, a well-known … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer writes: The original rosters announced for both the East and West teams in today’s NBA All Star Game were all black: 24 out of 24. In fact, all were American-born blacks. …But, mostly, #AllStarsSoBlack just seems to be … Continue reading

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