Category Archives: Blacks

Black Countries, Counties, Cities Can’t Maintain Infrastructure

Comments: In DC, management of Metro, DC’s subway system, is considering shutting down sections of the system or even the entire system for 6 months to conduct maintenance. The fact that a major system is facing such monumental maintenance issues … Continue reading

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TV Anchor Fired For Telling The Truth

From Yahoo: Pittsburgh news anchor Wendy Bell was fired Wednesday from ABC affiliate WTAE after outcry over a recent Facebook post in which she used racially stereotypical language in talking about “young black men.” Bell had been associated with WTAE … Continue reading

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The Heartbeat Of Crime

Dr. James Thompson writes: The conclusion was that adolescents with low resting heart rate were more likely to go on to commit crimes, including violent crimes, possibly because they did not get too fussed when attacking others. Cool, calm, collected … Continue reading

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‘Empire’ Flops Overseas as Foreign Viewers Resist Hollywood’s Diversity Push

One of the things that caught my attention when I was interviewing producers in Hollywood was when one said to me that only three black actors can open a film overseas — Will Smith, Denzel Washington and one other person. … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Murders Up 84% in Chicago; in Unrelated News, ACLU, White House Cracking Down on Chicago PD for Racism

Comments: * Watch out Dems! Trump’s call for law-and-order might go over big among respectable folk in the black community. * Just goes to show you what Obamaniacs really think of black people. They fiddle while the slaughter proceeds apace. … Continue reading

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