Category Archives: Blacks

What About The SAT Score?

News: Montclair, New Jersey: As a New York high school student checked her phone for the results of her university admissions applications, she was overcome by disbelief. One by one, each relayed the same news: Harvard. Yes. Dartmouth. Yes. Princeton. … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Bill Clinton Denounced for Denouncing Murderous Blacks Hopped Up on Crack

Comments to Steve Sailer: * If there weren’t Michelle Goldbergs using their high IQs and verbal facility to spin these events every time they happened, even most liberals would respond to them with a natural, common sense reaction, such as, … Continue reading

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The Coalition Of The Fringes Against Whites

Comments to Steve Sailer: * What a terrific reveal of the thinking of young asian-americans! Their voting patterns certainly suggested as much, but it’s becoming pretty clear that asians hate Whites even more than NAMs, but given their higher IQs … Continue reading

Posted in America, Asians, Baseball, Blacks, Journalism, Korea, Latino | Comments Off on The Coalition Of The Fringes Against Whites

Would Obama Want His Daughters To Date A Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin Type?

Steve Sailer writes: “For example, in Baltimore last year, you had black riots over a black career criminal dying at the hands of black cops in a city with a black police chief, black DA, and a black mayor, in … Continue reading

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Larry Summers: Colleges have become hypersensitive to racial prejudice. Why not anti-Semitism?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * PC has told us that it’s ‘racist’ when whites do it, but it’s NOT ‘racist’ when non-whites do it. So, the same logic must apply. It is ‘antisemitic’ when whites do it, but it’s not … Continue reading

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