Category Archives: Blacks

Heather Mac Donald: Violent crime has shot up due to the nonstop war on cops waged by Shaun King, Black Lives Matter, and the ACLU

Heather Mac Donald writes: Will the anti-cop Left please figure out what it wants? For more than a decade, activists have demanded the end of proactive policing, claiming that it was racist. Pedestrian stops—otherwise known as stop, question, and frisk—were … Continue reading

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When Black Children Were Denied IQ Tests in California

From 2004: SAN JOSE, Calif. – The United States may have come a long way in the fight against institutionalized racism but in California, black children are still being denied access to an important educational tool. Pamela Lewis wanted to … Continue reading

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Exposure to Pre- and Perinatal Risk Factors Partially Explains Mean Differences in Self-Regulation between Races

Objectives To examine whether differential exposure to pre- and perinatal risk factors explained differences in levels of self-regulation between children of different races (White, Black, Hispanic, Asian, and Other). Methods Multiple regression models based on data from the Early Childhood … Continue reading

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Why Do Blacks Vote For Hillary?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * I think the best explanation is that blacks vote what they know. Low information voters take a very long time to absorb something, and if you haven’t been talking about yourself all over the national … Continue reading

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Why Don’t Blacks Like Bernie Sanders?

Comments: * Maybe some are aware of George Soros, his funding of “black lives matter,” amongst other organizations, and perhaps are aware of the notion that some Jews like Soros use blacks as pawns to forward a globalist agenda at … Continue reading

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