Category Archives: Blacks

BLM Disrupt Milo Yiannopoulos at DePaul University 5-24-2016

Started streaming 2 hours ago: There is only one “World’s Most Fabulous Super-villain”, and he is at DePaul for One Night – LIVE! His Topic: Feminism is Cancer! For all of the social justice warriors/feminists who have nothing better to … Continue reading

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Mission Impossible: African-Americans & analytics

Shorter Michael Wilbon: Blacks aren’t good at math. Prefer feels. ESPN has dropped its middlebrow Grantland approach and gone instead with the black Undefeated site. From ESPN: The mission was to find black folks who spend anytime talking about advanced … Continue reading

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New York Times Investigates Blacks Killing Blacks

New York Times: Over all, though, nearly three-fourths of victims and suspected assailants whose race could be identified were black. Some experts suggest that helps explain why the drumbeat of dead and wounded does not inspire more outrage. “Clearly, if … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Another BLM Fiasco: White Bicycle Cop in Baltimore Acquitted

Comments posted at Steve Sailer: * Freddy was a slip and fall scam artist. And his family won the ghetto lottery, they got a six million dollar payout from the city. * Too many Blacks try to resist or escape … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The O.J. Simpson Story Is About Violent White Racism Toward Black Bodies

Comments at Steve Sailer: * To be fair, Black men beat the ever loving hell out of Black women way more than they do white women. Black women are almost totally inured to it. Many, if not most, Black women … Continue reading

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