Category Archives: Blacks

Larry Elder: ‘Whites are 2x more likely killed by cop vs blacks. Whites=10% of violent crime, but 50% those killed by cop.’

Washington Times: The real racial bias: Cops more willing to shoot whites than blacks, research finds It’s widely assumed that white police officers are more likely to shoot black suspects as a result of racial bias, but recent research suggests … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Learning from Israel: The Daley-Emanuel Plan for Chicago Population Transfers

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve often pointed out how Americans could learn a lot from studying the policies of Israel, a remarkably successful country. But most Americans aren’t very adept at noticing what Israel does, so the Israeli connection to recent … Continue reading

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Non-racist Red Cross Pool Safety Poster Released

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Black kids and pools don’t mix. In the gyms I’ve been in that have pools, every time some black mama lets her brood into the pool by themselves, they cause nothing but problems and the … Continue reading

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Firearm Homicides By Race/Ethnicity

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Two Liberal White Women Get Raped By Black Men, Write Books About It

Comment: “Two new true crime books. Two victins. Two liberal white women who could have used Derb’s “the Talk” …” New York Times: In “I Will Find You,” Joanna Connors, a reporter for The Cleveland Plain Dealer with a college-age … Continue reading

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