Category Archives: Blacks

‘Kill All The White Babies’

"Kill White Babies." #BlackLivesMatter feral negro BS has gone on long enough. A "hate movement" of misinformation. — Tazer Swift (@CrashnDaPlane) July 12, 2016

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ESPN: Miko Grimes uses anti-Semitic language to blast Dolphins’ brass

I see nothing remotely anti-Semitic in this woman’s tweets. How is “jew buddies” anti-Semitic? If she wrote, “fraternity buddies,” what thought crime would that be? How about “white buddies”? “Black buddies”? I hate to see a proud black woman taken … Continue reading

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Vagina Monologues Eve Ensler: ‘It’s time for white people to reckon with racism’

According to Wikipedia: “Ensler was born in New York City, the second of three children of Arthur Ensler, an executive in the food industry, and Chris Ensler.[5][6][7] She was raised in the northern suburb of Scarsdale.[7] Her father was Jewish … Continue reading

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The New York Times and the Left Have Blood on Their Hands

Dennis Prager writes: It was very appropriate that on Friday, the day after the massacre of five Dallas police officers, The New York Times devoted nearly the whole top half of its front page to four enormous photos of the … Continue reading

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Here is another look at the Philandro Castile case

Liveleak: Three days before his death, Philando took part in this video where it shows his girlfriend, Diamond Reynolds, being a power-mother, smoked a joint with Philando and their daughter in the background. Make sure you watch the frames where … Continue reading

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