Category Archives: Blacks

Why Milwaukee Burns – Black social breakdown and anti-cop ideology put another American city to the torch

A friend says: “MacDonald writes about the rioting promoted by BLM as an attack on “White” society and civilization. I believe she is correct. The logical consequences of this are that, if this succeeds, it will force any black police … Continue reading

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Key Members Of The Coalition Of The Fringe – Blacks, Jews – Start Firing On Each Other

Jews and blacks are as disparate as two groups can get in America. They have minimal daily interaction. They live in different places and work in different fields. Yet a small number of elites among both groups have occasionally found … Continue reading

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NYT: “The Secret of Jamaica’s Runners: It’s About Culture, Not Genetics.”

Comments: * Its amazing that the NYT is still pushing this BS. Yeah, its all about “Culture”. That’s why 1 Billion Chinese and 1 Billion Indians and 1 billion whites can’t find a sprinter that can outrun a West African … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: If the Latest Milwaukee Riot Isn’t Hillary’s Sister Souljah Moment, What Would be?

Comments: * Why should she? She’s leading by freaking 10 points in North Carolina and Virginia, about tied in Georgia. She doesn’t need to take any risks at all, because the American people are beyond cucked and Trump can’t [stop] … Continue reading

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Blacks Riot In Milwaukee

Comments at Steve Sailer: * This is another example of the “conquering of territory”. For example: black actor wins Oscar, now all blacks deserve all Oscars in perpetuity. Or else hell shall be paid. Now if any black gets killed … Continue reading

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