Category Archives: Blacks

Blacks, Whites, & Milwaukee

Fred Reed writes: In Milwaukee the policeman who shot the criminal was himself black–yet the mob specifically attacked whites. A woman screamed in fluent dey-be-he-be that blacks should burn the suburbs of whites. I saw this on the video, but … Continue reading

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“Blacks are Cursed”—Top Israeli Rabbi

New Observer: One of Israel’s most senior rabbis who sits on that country’s supreme rabbinical policy-making council has announced that Africans are “cursed” because they have black skin. Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein sits on the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (the “Council of … Continue reading

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Colin Kaepernick Converted To Islam Last Month

The media is intentionally omitting that Kaepernick coverted to Islam & is engaged to one of BLM leaders. — Patricia Dickson (@Patrici15767099) August 28, 2016 Pat Dollard reports: Excerpted from Sports Grid: Remember in 2015 when Colin Kaepernick posted … Continue reading

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Gonorrhea Discriminates

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Steve Sailer: Who Were the Racist Tenants Who Insisted Fred Trump Not Rent to Blacks in Coney Island and Brighton Beach? Jews

Just as most landlords don’t want to rent to people with young children (because they raise havoc), so too most landlords don’t want to rent to groups with high crime rates, low credit scores, and anti-social behavior. Most landlords would … Continue reading

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