Category Archives: Blacks

How to be a MacArthur Genius

Steve Sailer writes: The MacArthur Genius grants were announced and they’re the usual weird collection of legitimate nice white lady scientists, such as microbe researcher Diane Newman of Caltech, and hilariously shameless race hustlers, such as Genius T. Coates last … Continue reading

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Google & Our Brave New Diverse World

Comments at Steve Sailer: * This is my biggest fear, coming to life incrementally: To wit, “He who controls the programmers, controls the future.” And right now, our evil leftist overlords control the programmers. Mucking up history to come up … Continue reading

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America’s Diminishing Social Capital

David Brooks gets it: Sitting out the anthem takes place in the context of looming post-nationalism. When we sing the national anthem, we’re not commenting on the state of America. We’re fortifying our foundational creed. We’re expressing gratitude for our … Continue reading

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Does religion make blacks and Hispanics better citizens?

F.C. Stoughton writes: W. Bradford Wilcox and Nicholas H. Wolfinger, Soul Mates: Religion, Sex, Love, and Marriage among African Americans and Latinos, Oxford University Press, 2016, 248 pp., $27.95. Soul Mates, by academic sociologists W. Bradford Wilcox and Nicholas H. … Continue reading

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Uncovering White Racism

Robert Weissberg writes: Hillary Clinton’s “deplorable” speech has yet again raised the issue of whether countless white Americans are “racists.” Of course, given the term’s inherently fuzzy quality, who can authoritatively say for sure? But, imprecision acknowledged, it is important … Continue reading

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