Category Archives: Blacks

Hating Blacks

I was reading Mickey Kaus: [M]any Latino voters don’t want to vote for Obama, not because they know Hillary better or because they are grateful to President Clinton for rescuing Mexico during the "Tequila crisis" of 1994 (Dick Morris’ explanation) … Continue reading

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Black Columnist Larry Aubry

Jim Newton falls all over himself to praise "respected" Los Angeles Sentinel (a hysterical black newspaper) Larry Aubry in a 30-paragraph story that says nothing. It’s a complete waste of time. I read it carefully to look for one genuine … Continue reading

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Why Is The NAACP Going To Bat For Michael Vick?

Tamar Fox blogs: "What I’d like to know is why the NAACP is suddenly having press conferences about this. Why do they feel they need to take Vick’s back? Because he’s black? Is that really a good enough reason to … Continue reading

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Ron Paul and the Blacks points out this 1996 Houston Chronicle article: Under the headline of "Terrorist Update," for instance, Paul reported on gang crime in Los Angeles and commented, "If you have ever been robbed by a black teen-aged male, you know how … Continue reading

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Seek Good School System, With Not Too Many Black Kids

John Derbyshire writes on House hunting in the New York suburbs in 1992, my (Chinese-born) wife and I were once sitting in the office of a realtor, an American lady, trying to spell out just what we were looking … Continue reading

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