Category Archives: Blacks

Is It Ok For A Jew To Sit In Starbucks?

Dr. Marc Shapiro reviews three recent books on Rav Ovadiah Yosef: "Since we live today in an era when some rabbis have declared that one should not sit in or buy coffee at a store like Starbucks that has no … Continue reading

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LA’s Wave & Independent Newspaper Chains In Financial Trouble

Last fall, they (Wave, Independent) missed a payroll for the first time in a decade. The owner Pluria Marshall Jr. told his employees their checks would be a month late. In 2002, the Wave moved into the Independent’s offices in … Continue reading

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Black – Jewish Tensions Running High In Lakewood, New Jersey

This is the natural order of things. The black and Jewish communities have little in common, despite all the rhetoric to the opposite. Jews who are immersed in Judaism have little interest in reaching out to blacks while almost all … Continue reading

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Guilt By Association

Evan Gahr writes: The New York Times has turned Barack Obama’s denunciation of Jeremiah Wright into a racial injustice. The paper of record’s editorial today on Obama finally heeding calls to break with his race-baiting minister bitches that "African-Americans are … Continue reading

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What Are You Doing To Celebrate Black History Month?

Khunrum emails: "Booger Black History month….I’m fuming that Spielberg has dropped out of the Olympics because of the "suffering in Darfur" without mentioning the suffering in Burma where military thugs have been repressing Democracy for years. The missus, (Ms. SOpee) … Continue reading

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