Category Archives: Blacks

The Past is a Real-Talking Country

From the blog Those Who Can See: * We propose five categories of historical realtalk (some of which overlap in our quotes): Banal my-group preference The More Able remarking upon the Less Able The Less Able remarking upon the More … Continue reading

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Trump’s African-American Reframing

Scott Adams writes: So Trump flipped the frame. He said life in the big cities is worse-than-ever for African-Americans, thereby forcing his opponents and the fact-checkers to explain in detail how much better things have gotten since slavery. And the … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Clinton Sent “Mothers of the Movement” to Campaign Against Police in Charlotte Hours Before Riots Broke Out

Comments: * Gwen Carr, mother of Eric Garner; Maria Hamilton, mother of Dontre Hamilton; and Geneva Reed-Veal, mother of Sandra Bland Yeah it’s interesting to note how the last names of the mothers don’t match up with the kids. Like … Continue reading

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Aspiring Rapper

Is every black male shot by police "trying to turn their life around"???What does that tell you about their choices prior to being shot? — Paul Kersey (@sbpdl) September 22, 2016 I did a Google search on “aspiring rapper” … Continue reading

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Anti-White Tweets from #BlackLivesMatter Movement


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