Category Archives: Blacks

Al Sharpton: Pointing the Finger at Teen Violence (L.A. Sentinel 10-8)

Rabbi Nachum Shifren (Rabbi for emails: I am about to say what many are thinking, but can’t or won’t express: When’s the last time you’ve talked to your teacher about what’s REALLY going down in our schools? Those of … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager: ‘You Can’t Be A Good Person And Oppose A Radio Broadcaster Buying Into A Sports Team’

On his radio show today, Dennis said about the prospect of Rush Limbaugh buying a part of the St. Louis Rams: "You can not be a good person, your moral character is shown by the opposition to a radio broadcaster … Continue reading

Posted in Blacks, Dennis Prager, Football, Forward, Politics, Radio, Rush Limbaugh, Sports | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Dennis Prager: ‘You Can’t Be A Good Person And Oppose A Radio Broadcaster Buying Into A Sports Team’

Major Disconnect Between Whites & Blacks On Dogs

Skip Bayless, my favorite sports commentator, said on ESPN today: There’s a major disconnect between the way whites and blacks view dogs. For most blacks, dogs are just animals. For most whites, such as myself, dogs are part of the … Continue reading

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Why Was Joe Biden Included At Yesterday’s Beer Summit?

Conservatives do not have a clue. You have to be a liberal to understand this. If Joe Biden had not come along, it would’ve been two blacks (Obama and Gates) and a white (Crowley). The President wanted the colors equal … Continue reading

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Racism In Orthodox Judaism

Aliza Hausman, a Dominican convert to Orthodox Judaism, writes for the Jewish Journal: My husband and I started speaking out about racism in the Jewish community when a friend asked us to speak at a synagogue in Washington Heights, in … Continue reading

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