Category Archives: Blacks

Strip club with Texas ties segregates and mistreats black dancers, feds say

A friend of mine is morally outraged that many escorts say in their Craiglist ads, “No black men.” Perhaps the federal government needs to intervene to force them to serve the African-American community without discrimination. I am glad to see … Continue reading

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Illegal Immigrants In Italy Want White Women

Ilegal migrants, Italy: "We need white females, luxury housing, pocket money, good food & drinks, you give nothing" — James Smits (@JamesSmits2) September 22, 2016

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Steve Sailer: How to Keep an NFL Team Out of Jail

Steve Sailer writes: Here’s an interesting article in the Washington Post by Kent Babb about the NFL Dallas Cowboys’ team fixer, a big black ex-cop and ex-bail bondsman who is on friendly terms with everybody who works at the courthouse … Continue reading

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WP Writer: ‘I never worry I’ll be shot in Chicago. After all, I’m white.’

I never worry about being shot by police either because I obey the law and when pulled over for a moving violation, I always follow the officer’s directions. This guy is saying that white people are less likely to provoke … Continue reading

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‘Reassessing Trends in Black Violent Crime, 1980-2008’

Comment: Steve, did you read this paper – Steffensmeier et al, “Reassessing Trends in Black Violent Crime, 1980-2008″? We know that black males and females whose race was identified are responsible for over 50% of nation’s homicides. But there’s a … Continue reading

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