Category Archives: Blacks

White Resentment Drives The Republican Party

I believe it was John Derbyshire who said that tens of millions of Americans don’t like black people much and that these people overwhelmingly vote Republican. The big social trend in an increasingly diverse America is to find people with … Continue reading

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Is Race Only Skin-Deep?

From Yahoo: Americans today are too sensitive about race, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas told a gathering of college students in Florida on Tuesday. Speaking at Palm Beach Atlantic University in West Palm Beach, Fla., Thomas, the second black justice … Continue reading

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NYT: Holder Urges States to Repeal Bans on Felons’ Voting

NYT: “The call by Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. was mostly symbolic, but it marked his latest effort to end laws that he says disproportionately keep minorities from the polls.” Why not instead ask minorities to commit fewer felonies? … Continue reading

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How Jews Led The Fight Against Racism

Ninety nine percent of Jews in the world aren’t social activists, but many social activists are Jews. Most Jews just want to lead a quiet life with their friends, family and community, but a large number of those who want … Continue reading

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David Duke’s Infamous ‘Jewish Enemy’ Incident at American Renaissance 2006

Here is some background. American Renaissance is a group as devoted to white interests as the NAACP is to black interests and the ADL is to Jewish interests. The ADL just gave George W. Bush an award for fighting anti-semitism. … Continue reading

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