Category Archives: Blacks

NYT: After Shooting, a Twitter Hashtag Questions Portrayal of Blacks

What if the stereotype that blacks are more criminally violent than other races is true? What if it is true around the world? Nowhere in this story does it mention that every country in the world in which they have … Continue reading

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WP: ‘Why the riots in St. Louis, had little to do with St. Louis’

Washington Post: “St. Louis doesn’t riot. That has long been part of the city’s lore.” OK, but Sunday night it did. I wonder why. Hmm, might it have something to do with the characteristics of a population? The riots occurred … Continue reading

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LAT: ‘Looting, vandalism follow vigil for dead St. Louis teen’

Gee, I wonder which group is doing this. Is it Jews? Whites? Orientals? LAT: “TV footage shows people vandalizing police cars, kicking in store windows and carrying out goods, including bottles of alcohol. At least one large fire is reported.” … Continue reading

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Black Reverend Who Gave The Benediction At Obama’s First Inauguration Says All White People Are Going To Hell

Our nation is in the best of hands. Most people will yawn when they read the following because they don’t expect decent behavior from blacks. I guess you could call that defining deviancy down. I wonder how long white people … Continue reading

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Does It Lack Intelligence To Say That Blacks Invest Less In Their Children Than Whites?

David Weigel writes for Slate about comments by a Republican for Congress (Mark Walker) that blacks invest less in their children: “Now: Is this offensive? My colleague Boer Deng points out that “Amy Chua makes a similar argument in the … Continue reading

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