Category Archives: Blacks

Did White Flight Destroy Ferguson?

Steve Sailer writes: In the St. Louis metro area, a black was elected mayor of East St. Louis way back in 1971. Unfortunately, the population of East St. Louis has dropped from 70,000 in 1970 to 27,000 in 2010 as … Continue reading

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What Do They Want In Ferguson?

Robert Weisberg writes: African Americans in Ferguson, MO are demanding justice over the shooting of Michael Brown. But, a clear-eyed observer might conclude differently: what they really want is vengeance, a public lynching, hauling out Officer Darren Wilson in chains, … Continue reading

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What Do Liberia And Ferguson Have In Common?

The situation in Liberia sounds similar to the riots in Ferguson, but how do you blame the unrest in Libera on white racism? The New York Times reports: Liberia’s halting efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak spreading across parts of … Continue reading

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Blacks Rethink Integration

The black author of the following essay says blacks live in their own culture and need their own education system. Daisy M. Jenkins writes: Sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education, and with many schools being resegregated, we may … Continue reading

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Malik Zulu Shabazz – Good For The Jews?

I can’t imagine anyone in polite society asking if a person or thing or idea is good for whites. Growing up as a WASP, I never heard anyone ask if something was good for Protestants. Victor Davis Hanson writes: “It … Continue reading

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